Dance 374 - 22 January 2016
9:42 a.m, Servan St., Paris 11th.
9:42 a.m, Servan St., Paris 11th.
1:40 p.m, Paris 7th. On Thursdays, I give classes all day. Outside, it’s really cold. At the break, I take […]
9:32 a.m, Charonne boulevard, Paris 20th. ♥ A los niños des centro infantil Waldorf Ibiza ♥
1:34 p.m, Paris 14th. In Gilbert Perroy square, city agents are pruning the trees.
4:08 p.m, Valmy Quay, Paris 10th. St-Martin canal is emptied every 20 years for cleaning.
12:04 p.m, Daguerre St., Paris 14th. As I was walking, searching a occasion to dance, I was explaining to a […]
3:21 p.m, Raspail boulevard, Paris 7th.
4:42 p.m, à the crossroads aux Ours and Beaubourg st., Paris 3rd.
10:07 a.m, Paris 7th. One year of dances***
12:25 p.m, Avron subway station, Paris 12th.
9:47 a.m, Paris 14th. Fairewell Ziggy.
5:50 a.m., place de la République, Paris 10th. One year ago to the day, many of us were gathering here. […]