Dance 3497 - 10 August 2024
9:00 p.m., avenue Victoria, Paris 4th. It’s the start of the Marathon for All
9:00 p.m., avenue Victoria, Paris 4th. It’s the start of the Marathon for All
7:07 p.m., Hôtel de Ville, Paris 4. Crazy Horse Lesson.
06:17 p.m., Place de la Bastille, Paris 4e.
04:07 p.m., rue Geoffroy Lasnier, Paris 4. Dancing with Juliette.
09:52 p.m., Paris 4. Shame.
05:19 p.m., Micadanses, Paris 4e. Music : Portishead.
06:53, Micadanses, Paris 4.
4:53 p.m., Banks of the Seine, Quai d’Orléans, Paris 4th. The spire of Notre-Dame is rebuilt.
8:45 p.m., Center Pompidou, Paris, 4th. A dance in front of “The Park, 2011-2013” Ulu Braun.
10:46 p.m., Fontaine Stravinsky, Paris 4th. The fountain has just been renovated.
09:23 p.m., Théâtre de a Ville, Paris 4. Dancing in the Victoria salon.
01:25 p.m. Paris 4.
03:59 p.m. micadanses, Paris 4. Dancing with Gaël.
13:14 p.m. micadanses, Paris 4.