Dance 3454 - 28 June 2024
2:57 p.m., CentQuatre, Paris 19e.
2:57 p.m., CentQuatre, Paris 19e.
04:07 p.m., rue de Tanger, Paris 19. Street Art : L7MATRIX
10:28 p.m., Place des Fêtes, Paris 19. Dancing with Margaux, Gaël et Lucas.
10:17 p.m., Rue Henri Ribière, Paris 19.
5:37 p.m., reading room of the Paris Archives, Paris 19.
4:56, p.m., Paris 19.
6:48, p.m., La Villette, Paris 19. JUpiter twinkles in the sky.
4:29 p.m., Pixerécourt, Paris 19. Dancing with Guillaume, Chloé, Louise, Lucie & Léandre.
06:23 p.m., Quai de la Seine, Paris 19.
3:51 p.m., La Villette, Paris 19.
5:43 p.m., Quai de la Loire, Paris 19th. A Dancing in the rain. Today the figure of 8 billion humans […]
8:46 a.m., Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, Paris 19th. It is -3 degrees, the flowers are covered with frost. This crazy year […]
7:53 p.m., Paris Plages, promenade Florence Artaud. Dancing with the Corps collectif (Collective Body.)
9:24 A.m., Quai de Seine, Paris 19. Dancing with Gaël and Lucas.
2:04 p.m., Quai de la Garonne, Paris 19. Street art : Skio / da Cruz