Dance 3008 - 9 April 2023
4:51 p.m., Gentilly. I have so many papers to process and put away….
4:51 p.m., Gentilly. I have so many papers to process and put away….
11:55 p.m., Gentilly. Dancing at the limits of the day. Adagio in D minor BWV 974 by Bach.
1h00 p.m., Gentilly. Dancing on Gilles Deleuze’s voice in 1987. « Art and Control Societies ».
10:10 p.m., Gentilly. I’m in a big rush of work until Tuesday.
6:26 p.m., Gabriel Péri street, Montrouge. Dancing with Tadzio, in his studio.
7:49 p.m., Le Générateur, Gentilly. Dancing with Anne Dreyfus.
11:18 a.m., National Dance Center, Pantin. Christine Quoiraud Archives. Dancing with Christine in the small room that houses part of […]
12:46 p.m., rue des Cascades, Paris 20. Dancing with JHR films dream team (Jane, Marie-France, Renan and Gauthier) that is […]
2:52 p.m., Parigramme publishing, Paris 2. Isabelle is on the the final stretch to rapping up next season’s books.
7:54 p.m., Point Éphémère, Paris 10th. Dancing in the office with David at the end of the day.
2:15 p.m., Gentilly. A thought in tribute to Michel Serres.
16h55, EPSM (Mental Health Public Institute) of Flanders, Bailleul. Dancing in the room of the Instances at the end of […]
3:28 p.m., EPSM Flanders (Public Institution of Mental Health), Cappelle-la-Grande, Hauts-de-France. Dancing with Christelle, Céline and David, nurses, as part […]
10:37 a.m., boulevard Saint-Laurent boulevard, Montreal. Dancing in the Arts section of the newspaper La Presse.
6:34 pm., Charenton street, Paris 12th. In the memory of Bruno Ganz in The Wings of Desire. Thank you. I […]