Dance 902 - 3 July 2017
2:38 p.m., Maison des Arts et Métiers, International City Campus, Dancing in Rehab2.
2:38 p.m., Maison des Arts et Métiers, International City Campus, Dancing in Rehab2.
1:40 p.m., Guimet Muséum, Paris 16th. Dancing during Catastrophe’s sound Check. The show will be on at 3 p:m. Staring […]
09:58 a.m., Place du Panthéon, Paris 5th. On the frontispiece an inscription : « Great men the grateful country ». I […]
11:55 a.m., Paris 8th.The Théâtre de la Ville is hosted at the Espace Cardin during the renovation work. The bar’s […]
12:32 p.m., Les Halles, Paris 1rst. Dancing under the Canopy.
6:05 p.m., Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris 19th. Dancing with Dido, Jean et Sweg Piccolo***
00:20 a.m., Cochin Hospital, Paris 13Th. Dancing with Jeanne, at the emergency.
10:00 a.m., Paris 1rst. Dancing on the roofs of Notre-Dame. Filmed in the frame of « Monuments en Mouvement », […]
2:35 p.m., Jeanne D’Arc square, Paris 13th. Dancing at Petite fleur et compagnie with Melik, Linda and Livia. I left […]
7:21 p.m., rue de la Présentation de la Vierge au temple, Paris 11th. Dancing with Léa.
11:43 a.m., Montsouris Parc, Pars 14th.
4:13 p.m., Monfort Theatre, Pars 15th. Dancing while Amandine and Jordan are concentrated and a rehearsal is going on on […]