A daily performance project by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Dance 610 - 14 September 2016

10:10 a.m., quai de Jemmapes, Paris 10th. After talking for an hour with a few refugees and exiles, men, woman and families, all very open to dialogue, with the proposal of sharing a dance, it shows that the situation being so hard, it is difficult to accept being filmed is such a bad situation. Tawab, Saber and Abdul come from Afghanistan. They say to me that if they would have known what Europe is, they would never have left their country, in spite of a very difficult situation. They are touched by the project and accept my dancing with them. But Tawab & Saber can’t show their faces, fearing that those images travel, by the web, to their parents that believe they are happy in Paris.

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