A daily performance project by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Dance 464 - 21 April 2016

11: 57 a.m. Auguste Blanqui blvd, Paris 13th. With Isabelle Duthoit.
We didn’t know what to expect with the sounding. Isabelle had never performed in the public space before. We start: People stop by, smiling. They wave us: « That’s great, Bravo! ». A passing old woman says laughing : « Not even afraid ! One should always dance, at least in his head ». A man sitting on a bench says: « It’s fantastic, thanks a lot for the show, and it’s for free. You really get along together. Do you have any diploma ? I heard birds, dogs, many things… ».
Three hobos sitting in front wave us. One says: « It was really enjoyable to see you, bravo, please do it again any time. You can come back ». An other asks: « What kind of dance is that? » Isabelle answers: « It’s just us ». Then she says to me: « It’s amazing, I didn’t expect all these smiles and kindness, this welcome… ». Mission accomplished.

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