A daily performance project by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Dance 396 - 13 February 2016

2:51 p.m., Les Lisses area, Essonne. It’s been a long time since I’ve been at Ikea’s. Maho and Yohan are working. After my dancing, they come next to me to watch the video rushes. They ask me what I’m doing and I explain. Maho says :
– You’re dancing since the attempts, It gave you a motivation ?
I answer :
– The shock gave me the necessity to act.
– You must have a message then ?
– I think we can be together in different ways that the ones we’re used to and that can tend to divide us.
– You can say then, that you’ve been dancing with Colosseum et Batman (I have strong arms and he loves Batman), a Turk and an Italian, and you, I don’t know where you’re coming from… but it’s true, you’re right, we are together 🙂

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