A daily performance project by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Dance 3009 - 11 April 2023


4:42 p.m., Plaza San Jeronimo, Downtown Oxaca, Mexico.

Dancing at the foot of the Virgin of Guadeloupe, Tonantzin, la Madre de los dios. Mother Earth. The creative force, absolute love, safeguard of all forms of life and deities.

Benoît writes to me: “Thank you for this gift megahertz! A minute of dancing saves and protects… it opens up and synchronises…”

I answer : “yes, and it requires our heart, for the Earth, for this world…”

He says : « It’s like an organization bigger than ourselves that leads us to realize that the minute shows us why everything syncs.”

I am full of gratitude for these words received at 6am because we have 8 hours of jet lag.

****Thank you Benoit*****

Benoit Lachambre wears a garment created by Ivet Morgan, and woven by Wendhy Salones – Moravy, according to ancestral and artisanal practices.

Une Minute de danse par jour has been supported by