A daily performance project by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Dance 243 - 13 September 2015

4:47 p.m, Georges Pompidou Center, Paris 4th. The guy watching (the one applauding ) comes to talk to me. He sits next to me :
– Bravo ! What kind of dance is that ? is it contemporary dance ?
– It’s a dance with the environnement.
– Ok. But how do you call it ? what’s its name ?
– Performance art.
– Ok. It’s great. Where did you learned it ? Who’s you’re teacher ? In which school ?
– I took a lot of dance classes, but this dance isn’t coming from a class, it came over time.
– I see. It’s impressive. You are like an animal throwing itself, looking for food or territory.
– Really ?
– Yes. It’s great.
– Well, thank you, you’re kind to say so.
– You’re most welcome, have a nice day.
– You too.

Une Minute de danse par jour has been supported by