A daily performance project by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Dance 2008 - 13 July 2020

9:05 p.m., Gentilly, 13:05 p.m., Pacific Time.

Today Anna Halprin turns 100 years. This amazing artist, pioneer of performance art and Post-Modern Dance, teacher and inspirer of many artists and choreographers, worked throughout her life to bring dance to the heart of life, in relation to what drives our bodies and our hearts, in relation to the Earth. To celebrate hier 100th birthday and the 40th anniversary of her Planetary dance, his daughter Daria Halprin and the Planetary Dance Committee, organized a virtual dance gathering, for justice and peace.

Happy birthday Anna, with immense gratitude for your innovative work, more than ever necessary. Your dances travel through our dances and the drum of the Earth is singing for you. Thank you !

Une Minute de danse par jour has been supported by