A daily performance project by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Dance 386 - 3 February 2016

2:02 p.m., Wagram avenue, Paris 17th. Some days are more difficult than others.
Today, I am in the company of a journalist who’s making an interview for a radio show. We meet at Place des Ternes. I’m thinking of dancing outdoors, but there’s nobody and the weather is cold. A manager of a restaurant around, nicely allows me to dance during the lunch time. But there is still a long way to go in company of these wealthy costumers : I will dance three times. The first one in the company of business men making openly sexist remarks. Someone stands inadvertently in front of the camera, which makes the video inoperable. I feel stuck in this place where I don’t feel like dancing, but the journalists needs a place with people to interview. The second dance is with two men that seem to believe that I am panhandling and the situation becomes quickly stonewalled. I cannot stay with this feeling, I need a little joy, a little moment of real relationship. So I get closer to Ghilaine and Philippe that are finishing their lunch, and I can finally connect to someone and feel life sparkling. Philippe says to me : « You chased the bad vibes away ». All’s well thatends well, but it was a difficult experience.

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