Dance 2391 - 31 July 2021
5:15 p.m., rue de l’Épée de Bois, Paris 5th.
5:15 p.m., rue de l’Épée de Bois, Paris 5th.
11:21 a.m., Garden of the Barre d’ivy, Paris 13.
7:21 p.m., Gentilly. I have been working since Monday on a definition of “image” in Deleuze’s work. I go though […]
5:38 pm, rue Raymond Lefèvre, Gentilly.
5:01 pm, after a day of administration, accounting, urssaf, taxes, considerations about the world, here we are in the rain. […]
3:36 p.m., Vallée-aux-Loups Arboretum. Dancing at the foot of a sequoia. The beauty of these trees grabs me every time. […]
1:44 p.m., Rue Brillat-Savarin, Paris 13. A dance for Theo. Happy Birthday. Music : Dolly Parton
8:04 p.m., rue de Terre-Neuve, Paris 20. The rain, the IKB blue: small interstices of beauty in the harshness of […]
9:37 p.m., National Assembly, Paris 7. This morning at 5:38 am, the deputies adopted with 117 votes against 86, in […]
11:27 am, Square Jules-Verne, Paris 11. Dancing with Daniel Larrieu in the shared garden “Le Center de la Terre”, managed […]
7:40 p.m., Arcueil.
8:08 p.m., rue Auguste Blanqui, Gentilly.