A daily performance project by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Dance 762 - 13 February 2017

8:28 a.m., Créteil. Dancing among The Cabbages.
« The « Cabbages » are a great ensemble designed by Gérard Grandval, from 1969 to 1974. It received the label « XXth Century patrimony » from the Ministry of Culture. The program was considered at that time to be one of the symbols of french architecture of the seventies. When the project was settled in 1966, the constructible area was located on a vegetable plain that was one of the main vegetable production area of Paris. In 199, the city decided to rehabilitate the area. The central cabbage, composed of social housings occupied by families in precarious situations, was retructured. To encourage social mix, the city allocates a quater of the housings to students. »

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