A daily performance project by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Dance 594 - 29 August 2016

10:56 p.m., Leffrinckoucke, Nord pas de Calais. On the beach, facing the North sea, this bunker build by the nazis in 1944 has been coated with shards of mirrors by the artist Anonyme (Anonymous).
The work is titled Réfléchir :« These abandoned structures, stripped of their status, are now like the history that created them, separated from our daily life and memory.It is now of greatest importance to bring to light these forgotten vestiges in a time when once again extremism menaces. (…) At a time in human history where the man looked never so much and got lost in his own reflection, to the point of total closure, the mirror here reflects that which is abandoned: the nature we are in the process of destroying.
An immeasurable absurdity, like the thousands of tons of concrete stranded there in the dunes of Flanders.
By creating an illusion space, the mirror denounces as even more illusory the real space and our blindness. »

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