A daily performance project by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Dance 550 - 16 July 2016

8:47 p.m.,Monplaisir district, Angers. The Paperie has invited me to attend to the Festival des promenades. I or go for a walk in the area. After my dancing, I am surprised to discoure that some of the inhabitants know and follow the Minute of Dance. A man talks to me from his fourth floor window : « I like what you do, it’s good ! Is that really you ? 🙂 » Another man comes downstairs to say hello. Kids come by to watch. It’s nice. Later in the evening, I meet Mariama et Mahwa in their way to a wedding.
Today, july the 16th 2016, my heart is heavy. it seems to me that many things are mixing in a dramatical and sometimes incoherent way.
A mad man, maybe under the influence of substances, takes his truck and blindly drives into the crowd killing 84 people, among who children, and wounds many persons. He is franco-tunisian. He has fake weapons in his truck. he is not recorded by the intelligence services.
The very same morning, the President was announcing the coming end of the State of Emergency. At last. Even if the State of Emergency has his indisputable necessity, it also has its numerous drawbacks and abuses.
Anyway, no State of Emergency would be able to anticipy the act of an apparently isolated insane man, taken in a murderous fury.
Of course, Daech is claiming for responsibility, because the goup’s interest is to spread terror. But what is really the situation ? The State of Emergency is extended for a 3 months period. The government seems not to have the choice. But can this military and police deploying really respond to the problem ? fear, separation, violence are being nourished, instead of educating, instructing, dialoging, opening. We seems to still have a long way to go, as hearing what is being said in the medias and on social networks. In this kind of situation, it is very difficult to find the fair words. Everything may seem useless. II’m thinking of all these lost lives, all the families…

In January 2015, I started dancing daily to resist against fear and petrification imposed on us by barbarism, and for opening common spaces of resonance and connection to life. Of couse, a little dance is paltry, it’s a blink in view of the catastrophe, it’s can’t stop horror. yet, it is what I oppose to hate and furor. It is increasingly difficult to maintain. I am aware of the insignificance of the gesture before the extent of the problem. It won’t  bring people back to life, it won’t prevent other attacks. But it is my answer, minimal on the grand scale of the events, complete on the scale of my daily life. I try to open, at last f or a few seconds every day, a poetic space of relation to the world, and to share it whit those that may me sensitive to it. Let’s remain alive and interconnected. I truly believe in that, that in us can be soft, intelligent and humorous.

Une Minute de danse par jour has been supported by