A daily performance project by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Dance 2357 - 27 June 2021

9.42 a.m. La Défense. It’s the last day of class. It’s been a difficult year, we hardly got to dance. Dancing with some of my students to a choreography I wrote for them.

With Mariam Bamba, Benjamin Bertocchi, Lola Cires, Larissa Guist, Matthieu Jeammet, Aurélien Mangenot, Émilie Pria, Loïc Renaudier, Ysé Rouy-Giraud, Suzanne Saint-Cart and Annouck Saussier. 

Music : Bach – Minim – Dustin O’Halloran, Elissa Lee & Anna Müller

Une Minute de danse par jour has been supported by