A daily performance project by Nadia Vadori-Gauthier

Dance 1982 - 17 June 2020

8:20 p.m., Gentilly. It’s deconfinement and I didn’t get out of all day. I’m still a bit confined in my head. I just finished an article that kept me busy: “The necessity for meteorological art”.

Dancing on a song by Nicola Cruz which says: 

“ It’s the story of a girl born from a volcano. She is not afraid of anything, no.I had barely learned to walk, that I was left alone at the waterfall. Tell me what color you see. Tell me if it’s yellow, tell me if it’s blue. I don’t understand, Everything has a name, I become water, I become a wave, and in salt water, I will be born. ”

This dance is for Jeanne***

Une Minute de danse par jour has been supported by